I cannot believe that it has been nearly two months since my last post. As you can imagine, it's been a very busy summer for me. I returned to the corporate world after being at home with my baby girl for 18 months. Yeah, it was a rude awakening. But we've adjusted well.
You're probably wondering what is going on in my head lately. Truly, my focus is on obedience to God. He laid it on my heart to prepare for a famine, and that is what we've been doing for the last year. And I must say, with the current financial crisis, I'm feeling pretty good about the measures my family has taken to ensure that we don't go hungry - literally.
Friends, I believe with all my heart that we must, as a nation, return to our first love. To God Almighty. I have hope that we will experience revival in this nation. God is pouring out His Spirit upon His people in a powerful way. We will experience revival, or we will experience wrath. The choice is ours to make.
I encourage you to make your own preparations. Buy extra rice, beans, grains, and canned goods on your next shopping trip. What's it going to hurt? If I'm wrong, and you prepare - no big deal, you have extra food to eat. If I'm right, and you don't prepare - big problem, you watch your family go hungry.
And don't get me wrong, this is about so much more than stocking up on extra groceries. This is about obedience and submission. God loves us so much. Too much to leave us in sin. He will get our attention, and unfortunately, it usually takes suffering to wake us up. It's easy to get so wrapped up in ourselves and our routines that we end up shutting out our Creator.
Luke 11:10 (NIV)
10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Check out this link to my friend's hubpage. She lays out God's plan of salvation very simply. We all need Jesus. There's no reason to live without Him. What are you waiting for?
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
3 days ago