Monday, October 12, 2009

Spiced Oven-Dried Apples - make them!

Oh my, these are delicious! I recently purchased a large basket of apples at the local farmer's market, and found myself googling for different ways to use them up. In my search, I stumbled across a great blog, Home Steeped Hope, and this wonderful, easy recipe. We've already made and devoured them twice!
I must say, my home was delightfully filled with the wonderful smell of baked apples and spice. I can't imagine anything that more perfectly captures the essence of this season.
I live for Autumn!
The cool, crispness that welcomes each new day.

The intense, penetrating blue of an October sky.

The glorious sunsets that wash the horizon with hues of fire.
I choose to spend my days soaking up the goodness of God's creation as I seek to serve Him.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Fun to find this! We enjoy the taste as much as the wonderful spicy fragrance while they bake...sooo good! Today we juiced 4 lemons and 20 apples for Lemonappleade--a recipe I got from the Duggar's new book. It was fantastic! Apples are so versatile.

Glad you enjoyed the recipe!