Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chickie Growth Spurt

These little ladies know how to put down some food! They're a little over two weeks old, and we are just about to finish off the last of a 20-pound bag of feed. Unbelievable.

Our weather was warm enough last week to take them outside to play for a few minutes...

The kids love them so much already. The first thing they do when they wake up in the mornings is check on them. They even say goodnight to the chicks when they're heading to bed at night.

For some reason my husband thought it would be funny to put one on Sara Lynn's head... All I could think was, "Please don't poop!"

One did poop on Daniel - poor guy! He wasn't too thrilled about that. I made sure everybody washed up really well after our little outing.

We had plans to build the coop this weekend, but it rained. And rained. And rained some more. Literally, it began raining on Friday night and didn't stop until Sunday afternoon (and then started again Sunday night and rained all day long Monday). My garden should be very happy. My lettuce, arugula, and radishes are almost ready. I am itching to make my first salad!

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