Monday, January 18, 2010

Scheming… 2010 Garden Plans

garden plans

We planted our first garden last spring, and had so much fun with it. I have high hopes for this year’s garden. Hopefully, now that I have a bit of experience under my belt and learned a few lessons (the hard way), we’ll have a plentiful harvest that will sustain us for many months.

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Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to save any seeds from my garden last year. We moved before the end of the growing season and I had to leave the garden behind. But I do have some seeds left.

After reading this post over at Chiot's Run, I’ve decided that any seeds I need in the future will be purchased from Seed Savers Exchange or another independent seed house. In the past, I’ve purchased any brand of seeds, as long as it was as an open-pollinated, non-GMO, or heirloom seed, preferably organic. In all honesty, I’ve waited too long to purchase seeds online and had to purchase what I could get fast, usually from my local garden store.

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This year, I’m placing my order now to ensure I have what I need. A few heirloom tomato and pepper transplants…

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Definitely some funny looking cucumbers…

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I love the way these habanero mustard peppers look…

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And flowers…

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Lots and lots of flowers…

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Maybe a new book or two as well… Can one ever have too many gardening books? I think not.

The variety of heirloom vegetables offered is amazing. I shudder to think of a day when there are few choices. A day when you can only grow what’s available at the supermarket.

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Seeds are easy to save. Some people save them in mason jars. Any airtight container will do. You want to keep them cool and dry, in a dark place. I save mine in large ziploc bags in the freezer. I live in Alabama where it’s usually hot and humid and I don’t want to take any chances. I’ve read that they keep for several years in this way.


Stacey said...

I am new to your blog and already loving it! I think this is my prompt to start planning our garden. My kids keep asing if we can sit down and plot it out on paper and to tell the truth I have been busy but I just need to have a family meeting and just do it! Thanks for the inspiration, and the nice pics. Living in utah has it's down side of short growing seasons but I am inspired now thanks!!!

Chiot's Run said...

Oh, I love seed ordering time! I was just figuring out what I'm going to be ordering this week. Can't wait to try some new things this year.